Click to Copy Mathematical Symbols
Basic Symbols
± (Plus-Minus)
∞ (Infinity)
∑ (Summation)
∏ (Product)
∫ (Integral)
∂ (Partial Derivative)
Δ (Delta - Change)
∇ (Nabla - Gradient)
Greek Letters
α (Alpha)
β (Beta)
γ (Gamma)
θ (Theta)
λ (Lambda)
μ (Mu)
π (Pi)
ρ (Rho)
σ (Sigma)
φ (Phi)
ω (Omega)
Logic & Set Theory
∈ (Element of)
∉ (Not an element of)
∩ (Intersection)
∪ (Union)
⊂ (Subset)
⊃ (Superset)
⊆ (Subset or equal)
⊇ (Superset or equal)
∅ (Empty set)
∀ (For all)
∃ (There exists)
∴ (Therefore)
∵ (Because)
≈ (Approximately equal)
≠ (Not equal)
≤ (Less than or equal)
≥ (Greater than or equal)
Advanced Mathematical Symbols
⊕ (Direct sum)
⊗ (Tensor product)
⊥ (Perpendicular)
∝ (Proportional to)
ℝ (Real numbers)
ℕ (Natural numbers)
ℤ (Integers)
ℚ (Rational numbers)
ℂ (Complex numbers)
Machine Learning Symbols
ŷᵢ (Predicted y_i)
yᵢ (Actual y_i)
∇J(θ) (Gradient of cost function)